Sunday, November 30, 2008

cookie decorations illegal?

November 1, 2008
Yeah! look what I got in the mail today! I love these shiny silver balls for decorating cookies! I remember sneaking in the kitchen when I was little to eat them from the kitchen cabinet. Well apparently they are to sell in California now and you can not get them anywhere companies wont even ship them here! Either will anyone on ebay, I checked! Some jerk of a lawyer saw them in the grocery store one day and decided that they didn't belong there then went a suing spree and now no more cute shiny balls for all us who in in California! Well I wasn't going to let some jerk tell me what I can and can not decorate my cookies with especially with a very important princess party coming up so thanks to some every special "cookie elves" I got my silver, gold, pink and rainbow cookie decorations! My mom gave Jessica this totally cute princess cook book last year and about half of the recipes called for these beauties so how could we have a princess party with out them!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Are you kidding? Of all the horrible things in the world that stupid lawyer could be fighting for.... Lame.
Maybe I need to raid my MIL's stash of these beads since I can't buy them anywhere now. Crazy.